Women's Missionary Union @ Charity
The WMU (Women's Missionary Union) meets the 2nd Wednesday morning of the month at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to encourage missions efforts both locally and globally. The WMU acts as a mission arm of the church, often working behind the scenes to encourage and equip mission opportunities within the church. After the meeting, the ladies normally travel together for a meal at a local restaurant.
WMU Objectives
The ladies at Charity’s WMU have six specific objectives:
We meet on the 2nd Wednesday morning of each month at 10:00 for a time of focus on Bible Study.
We support missions through the Cooperative Program, State Missions, World Hunger, Lottie Moon Christmas offering, Annie Armstrong Easter offering, Operation Christmas Child, Backpacks for Appalachia, and our local school system.
To learn more about the missions Charity supports please visit: https://www.charitybaptistch.org/missions/
We pray for our missionaries by utilizing the literature provided by the Southern Baptist Convention during our meetings and weekly ladies prayer time.
We connect the why of missions with the how through our many mission projects such as Blankets for Jesus, Shoes for Jesus, and through many other small acts of kindness throughout the year.
We work together with other groups in the church and our Tugalo Association to reach others for Christ in our communities and around the globe.
As we learn about missions, support missions, pray for missions, engage in missions, and get involved through the local church and association, we develop a missional lifestyle. A Christian with a missional lifestyle will see needs when others don’t and seek opportunities to share the love of Christ with those in need.
What is WMU's Story?
WMU, an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention, began over 133 years ago in the hearts of visionary leaders to pray and systematically raise money for missions.
Since that time, the WMU has helped lead Southern Baptist churches across the country to give over $6.6 billion through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering— which efforts begun by WMU to support missionaries.
WMU’s unwavering focus on making disciples of Jesus who live on mission happens through missions discipleship, leadership development, and compassion ministries, with kingdom impact in every state and 39 countries.
Scripture guides us in knowing God, His ways, His character, His mission, His redemptive acts, and His purpose for the church.
Jesus commissioned His disciples to proclaim the good news disciple people of all nations, and teach them to live out the truths He taught.
Jesus gave the church authority to act on His behalf. Teaching all ages prepares the church to fulfill His mission.
God is always at work among all peoples, and we join Him where we discern He is calling us.
No one church can do alone what many churches can do together. Our voluntary cooperation extends the missions reach of the local church.